Information On Ads/Drawings Posted in "Cyber Ads"

Please read before posting or answering any ads listed here in "Cyber Ads". Thanks!

Welcome to the "Cyber Ads" Website! Here you can post all of your refunding and non-refunding ads. You can also have your drawings/auctions and Beanies ads posted here!!!

PLEASE NOTE: Many manufacturers require that the person applying for a refund actually buy the product themselves. Sending a proof for a product that you did not buy may constitute a violation of federal law. "Cyber Ads" disclaims any liability or responsibility for the actions of it's readers or advertisers. However, if you have a problem with one of the advertisers, please let me know and I will notify the advertiser. Please contact Sandy at:


You do not have to be a subscriber to Cash & More's Newsletter.
All ads/drawings will be posted on both this website and also in the newsletter.
Cash & More can not accept any ads or drawings for buying, selling or trading of CRT's, Code forms or Complete Deals. Please do not send any ads with these included. Thanks!
Anyone who advertises a drawing ad that they are holding in another magazine must state this in their ad if the other magazine requires the winner to be a subscriber to their magazine.
All drawing winners announcements must be sent to C&M within 14 days of their drawing date. If winner is not announced within 14 days, advertiser will not be allowed to advertise until winner is announced.

All ads are only 10¢ a word. There is no charge for Drawing Winners!


To help celebrate our new newsletter, we now have a NEW special!!!


Buy 12 ads (40 words or more) and receive 1 Ty Beanie Baby!!! ( I pay postage to mail Beanies)
No Limit!!! Each 12 ads (40 words or more) = 1 Beanie Baby!
Free Ads can not be used with this special.
Special starts with all ads mailed after July 1st and expires 12/1/98.

HURRY!!! Start NOW so that you can receive your Beanies in time for Christmas! Expiration: 12/1/98

Please send your ads/drawings/trading post ads/Beanies ads to:

Sandy Alderman (Ads)
Box 871
Middleburg, FL 32050-0871


To find out more about Cash & More's Newsletter, click here!

All ads will be posted in Cash & More's Newsletter and also on this "Cyber Ads Website".

Please help our "refunding" advertisers and tell all of your friends about this site! Thanks!!! =o)

Be sure to tell our advertisers that you saw their ad here! Thanks!!!

Thanks for all of your cooperation! =)

Now, it's time to have some fun!!!

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Website owned and maintained by Sandy Alderman